If glamping is fancy camping, what is it called when you drive your nice hotel room? Perhaps a tad smaller, but you can’t drive a hotel room.
If you ARE fine being close together, able to agree on where things belong - this is THEE best way. We're in our 15th year together (she the lover of piles, me?.. It's a paralysis for me to even see them) and yet, we've never come home fighting. It's more like "Where next week?.. (if not rented)
This thing drives like a tall car. Ask any truck driver about how great their view is. You'll still look up at them, but the view is much better than in my Toyota Highlander's view. (midsize SUV)
My goal is not to sell you on it, quite the contrary.
DON'T do this if you're phobic in cramped places.
DON'T do this with a partner if your communications skills are poor.
DON'T do this if you can't remember to say "Diesel" at the "FUEL" station.
DON'T do this if you don't understand that red wine in bed is a bad idea. (EEK - that was me on Cathy's custom-made duvet - OOPS!)
Did I also mention having great communication skills as a couple? Yes, I am SO fortunate that she loves me.
Renting an RV this size is not for everyone. There's not a great deal of wiggle room, there are many things to remember (or read from our helpful tips) and if one of you is tidy, while the other one's a tad more flexible about where things lay, you may want to find something bigger.
Feeling intimidated by the experience? I am the one who will take you out for the test spin. Me in the driver's seat if you prefer until we get to a nice big parking lot.
I've trained five teens to drive, and my 40-something kiwi girl how to drive on the RIGHT side of the road - I'm a pretty good instructor if you just think it looks hard to drive.
It's a dream. The backup camera helps, but it's quite easy to acclimate to the 24'size
If I haven't scared you off, click the RENT button or shoot us your questions.